Thursday, April 29, 2010

Girl, Shutup Talkin that Hate...

Helpful for thought!

As I reflect over my 2009 and the beginning of 2010 I have noticed a few things about people....most especially women. Now although I am a woman, have a mother, a sister, and many sista friends I truly never realized how much women are their own worst enemy- I truly believe that as a hairstylist who sees many women as clients and the people they work with, I have seen the most, lol. (this goes back to 14 but is present even as I write this).

We as women will find many reasons why we don't like the next one....Actions & Words that have another meaning...

-The need to one up her/talk about everything you are doing or about to do ( trying to make her feel like your life tops hers or is more exciting)
-Bumping your gums to her about everything (not knowing that less is more, you want to appear knowledgeable)
-She think she cute (she is prettier then me but I'm sure as hell not gone tell her)
-She is too quiet ( I need to know more about my competition)
-She think she smart/knows it all ( I think she is smart and I am a little intimidated)
-Ignore her when you see her ( her mere presence makes you insecure)
-Ask her how a jacked up situation is going when you know the answer ( I want to feel better about myself, wow)
-Stop talking to/Get offended when you a real friend ask you about things that may be destructive behavior ( I was honestly called out and I am pissed, even though I know she cares)

...I could go on forever, but you see what I mean. I have found that many times women who are not happy for others, have to name drop/one up, or don't know how to have genuine friendships with equally strong/educated/beautiful women... have a ton of surface friends but very few REAL SISTA FRIENDS!

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