Friday, January 29, 2010

Hey 'girfriend'...stop acting like a wife!

So I've heard it all...The women who grips, writes and has girl talk at their homes about why they can't find a good man, or how they use to pass up good men or how they should lower their standards so they don't fall into they single/non married group. Well guess what, if this is how you feel...STOP...don't settle, don't give more than you're ready to, and don't let your preference/standards change just so you can be in a relationship/married...stand on what you believe and want...God will reward you!

This is for the ladies who have been in a relationship for 1 month or 5 years and you want to be married ( if you are not ready or don't want to then disregard) and you keep asking why won't he marry me?...Well you may want to ask...why should he?

I say this because often times as women we want a man so bad or just don't want to be single that we do WHATEVER it takes to keep a man ( good or not) and we forget to save some things for the man who will be our husband one day. ( just a thought...and if you are reading this, it's never too late to start).

OK, let me paint a picture ( a guys thoughts)... you have a girl who obviously gives 'herself' to you- she cooks for you- is at your house 5+ days a week, or better yet moves you in to her place- or moves her whole life just to near you and she's just your 'girl'- she washes your clothes-splits dinners out and groceries with you-and factors you in to all her future plans- will spend her last dime on you but won't help a girlfriend in need...would there really be any rush to marry her? Now, of curse you may still do it because you love her or you are good man...but even a good man would feel like there would be nothing different once their married. ( save some of you for later)

BUT, now as that girl, let's say it didn't work out and you moved on to date someone else and repeated everything...and again...and again...they guy you finally marry ( if you ever do) will not be able to say that he got the special treatment and you did things for him that other guys didn't get...what would be special about your husband...???

So, this is not to say be a sloppy or uncaring girl but... ladies don't lay everything out for a person that makes you an option when you should be the priority!

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