Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oh so you're 'natural'... are you?

So as 2010 settles in, I am still seeing a trend that has been going on for several years, and that is the 'natural/conscious/back to your roots', whatever you call it...movement. I for one, think it is great. I also believe that making your life more natural and healthy is a plus; from the foods you eat- to the medicines we use- to the products you put anywhere on your body, we have to be smart about our choices.

Now, the focus of this piece is to my sista's who are in the natural movement but half and criticize other women along the way. Y'all know who I'm talking about...or maybe you don't.

Let's first start with the many looks us sista's wear...

-if you rock the mini afro or natural curl
-if you rock the relaxed short cut
-if you rock the flat iron/press
-if you rock the locks
-if you rock the glam make-up face
-if you rock the acrylic nails or lashes
-no make-up but has the weave/relaxer/etc

...wear what makes you...YOU and feel beautiful but don't be these next sista's...

I had conversations with these two women who were all about natural beauty and accepting the God given beauty (I interacted with them weeks apart): That sounds very good to me but then they got to talking about women who don't accept their natural look, aren't happy with themselves and are ashamed of their roots and woman shouldn't wear weaves or get relaxers because they are trying to have the 'white/American' although I don't agree I could have almost rolled with it because they were expressing themselves (everyone has an opinion)...but then I realized one of the sista's had a mini fro (dyed of course) but had acrylic nails and lashes...WHAT- the other had locks but they were bright blonde and she had on a face full of I said to myself..."Are acrylic nails & fake lashes natural"? "IS blonde the natural color of your hair"?

We all know the answer to those questions, but my point is THIS

...don't get so self righteous about one area of your life/look ( if it's your hair) or beliefs and then analyze everyone who doesn't do it your way and criticize them...just be you SISTA'S

I for one have had the relaxer- the nails- the lashes- the weave... at one point or another in my life, however just because I don't rock any of those things at this point, doesn't mean that I should rain on some other woman's 'beauty parade'.

So if you want to:
- wear that fro (dyed or not)
- wear that relaxer
-wear those lashes
-wear that weave or dyed locks
-the make-up
-the nails or that press....Do it, because you can!

“Beauty is more than a look, it’s a lifestyle, so live beautiful!" J.Styles

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